Our Coaches

Cameron Bradley
Director and Head Coach

Hello, my name is Cameron!

I started boxing in 2015 because I was going through a tough time and I wanted to find some stability in my life. Boxing provided me with that stability and taught me that with hard work and help from the right people, any goals are achievable with consistency.

Outside of boxing I have worked as a youth support worker which has required me to utilise all of the tools and lessons that I picked up in the boxing gym. I found that boxing was a great way to engage with our young people and was a great vehicle for promoting positive change. My boxing journey has taught me the importance of skills such as discipline, resilience, confidence and respect amongst others, which I try to use to navigate my life. 

It is my mission to help others to utilise these same skills in order to be successful in their own lives, both inside and outside of the boxing ring.